Polycarbonate sheeting

Polycarbonate Sheeting is a versatile plastic material used extensively as a roof-light glazing. It has highly UV resistant characteristics and transmits high levels of light.

Lavoro supply NATRALITE® polycarbonate profiled product and is manufactured by one of the worlds leading suppliers of plastic sheets.

Polycarbonate profile sheets are available in Corrugated, IBR, Widespan and Concealed fix 700, and can bemanufacted to size thus ensuring that it matches profiled steel roof cladding and allows maximum natural light to get through, helping with natural visibility within warehouses, factories, buildings etc.

Lavoro supply polycarbonate profile in thickness of 0.8mm, 1.0mm and 1.2mm. The following colours are available: Clear, Opel, Bronze and Green

Polycarbonate Sheeting
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